If luck is not giving, then do these 5 easy measures

New Delhi. If you feel that bad times are not leaving you or your bad luck is going on. So you don’t need to worry. You can follow the remedies mentioned in astrology. These may ease your problems a bit. Let us tell about them.

If your luck is not supporting you, take a bath every morning after mixing a pinch of turmeric in water. With this, the blessings of Vishnu ji and Brihaspatidev remain, due to which your fortune rises. If you are taking a bath in the evening, then add a pinch of salt to the water. This removes all the negativity.

If there are constant financial or other problems in your life, then the worship of Panchmukhi Hanuman ji is very auspicious. Therefore, on every Tuesday, one should go to a temple and recite Hanuman Chalisa by lighting a lamp in front of Panchmukhi Hanuman ji. By the grace of Hanuman ji, one gets freedom from problems like money, work, enemies.

There is a belief in the scriptures that if a person lights a lamp near Tulsi every day, then he stays away from all kinds of negative energy from his life. Even scientists, seeing its benefits, consider it very auspicious.

If you feel or find Vastu defects in any part of your house, then at that place you should blow conch in the morning and evening. If there is no conch shell in the house, you can also ring the bell after worshiping instead. The negative energy of the atmosphere is destroyed by the sound emitted by them.

A closed clock is considered very inauspicious in Vastu Shastra. Actually, according to Vastu, a stopped clock stops your good fortune. In such a situation, if there is a bad clock in your house, then try to correct it immediately or get it out of the house. Apart from this, shoes-slippers or extravagant items should not be kept under the bed, because it is believed that by doing so, it obstructs the path of Goddess Lakshmi.