
Ukraine war is now at its most dangerous turn(Ukraine)

St. Petersburg (Russia): President Vladimir Putin has made a big statement on Friday on the use of nuclear weapons in the Russia-Ukraine  (Ukraine) war, about whichthe whole world was apprehensive. Putin has told whether he will use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war or not? … The President said that there is no need for Russia to use nuclear weapons to win in Ukraine. This is the strongest indication so far from the Kremlin that Europe’s deadliest conflict since World War II will not lead to a nuclear war. The whole world, including the West, has breathed a sigh of relief with this announcement of Putin.

Let us tell you that when Putin ordered the army to be sent to Ukraine in February 2022, he had said on several occasions that Russia would use nuclear weapons if needed to defend itself. However, Putin blamed the comments of the West for this idea of ​​​​conducting a nuclear attack. But he has now made it clear that there is no need for a nuclear attack to win the war against Ukraine.

In the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, an influential Russian analyst moderator Sergei Karaganov had asked the question whether Russia should keep nuclear guns on Ukraine? To this Putin said that there is no need to use such a weapon.

Nuclear weapons can be used only in one situation

Putin said that he would not use nuclear weapons to win the war against Ukraine at the moment. But in extremely exceptional circumstances, its use is possible in case of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. However, I do not think that such a situation will arise when its use is needed. Moscow snatched Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. Now it also considers four other Ukrainian regions named Zaporizhia, Kherson, Luhansk and Donetsk as an integral part of its country. In such a situation, if Kiev makes efforts to take them back, then the possibility of a nuclear attack increases.

Ukraine took this vow

Meanwhile, Ukraine has intensified drone and missile attacks on other Russian bases including Crimea. It has also vowed to expel Russian forces from all its territories. Putin said that he has not ruled out a change in Russia’s nuclear doctrine regarding the circumstances under which nuclear weapons can be used. He also said that if needed, Russia can test nuclear weapons. However, he does not see any need to do so at the moment. The public debate at Russia’s leading economic forum about nuclear attacks is seen as an attempt by the Kremlin to reduce nuclear fears.

However, Russian and American diplomats are now expressing apprehension that the Ukraine war may move towards the most dangerous phase. About 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons are held by Russia and the United States.