
What is China doing!(China)

China: Scientists in China  (China) have created a virus using parts of the Ebola virus to study the deadly Ebola virus disease and its symptoms. A study describing its use at Hebei Medical University has been published in Science Direct. The researchers have stated in the study that they injected a deadly virus to a group of hamsters, after which they died within three days. They further stated in the study that hamsters had “severe diseases seen in human Ebola patients, including multi-organ damage.

Animal used for research

For the study, the team of Chinese researchers used hamsters, an infectious animal, and added a protein found in Ebola, which infects the cell of the virus and spreads it throughout the human body.

What the researchers said

After the injection, some hamsters started having discharge from their pupils, which caused their vision to deteriorate. Amid concerns over lab leaks of the coronavirus that caused the previous pandemic, the researchers said their goal was to find the right animal model that could safely mimic Ebola symptoms in a lab setting.

Viruses like Ebola require secure facilities that meet safety level 4 (BSL-4). Laboratories around the world are BSL-2. The Chinese scientists used a different virus called vesicular stomatitis virus, which was called Ebola virus. It is called glycoprotein (GP). Which allows the virus to enter the cell.
The study was successful
When they cut the organs of the dead animal, they found that the virus had accumulated in the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines and brain. He also said that the study was successful.
Infection in many West African countries in 2014
Let us tell you that according to the World Health Organization, the last time a big Ebola infection in the world was recorded in many West African countries between 2014 and 2016.
What is Ebola virus
Ebola virus disease is a serious infectious disease that spreads from one person to another. Infection spreads through contact with the blood, body fluids or secretions (feces, urine, saliva, semen) of an infected person, but only when they show symptoms. Let us tell you, Ebola does not spread through air. This disease usually has a very high mortality rate.