Taliban praised India fiercely, gave hope: Taliban Spokesperson Suhail Shaheen

Kabul. On the issue of Afghanistan, the meeting of national security advisors of 8 countries hosted by India has been described by the Taliban as positive. Taliban’s official spokesman Suhail Shaheen has said that he sees the meeting in Delhi as a positive development. Shaheen expressed hope that this meeting will strengthen peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Shaheen has said that Afghanistan has agreed on the main points of the NSA level meeting. Help is needed to stop the humanitarian tragedy in Afghanistan at this time.

Shaheen said- If they (national security advisers) have said that they will work for the reconstruction, peace and stability of Afghanistan… then this is our aim too. The people of Afghanistan want peace because they have suffered a lot over the years. At this time, we want that economic projects should be started again and new projects should be started. We also want that employment opportunities should be created for our people. So we agree with what was said in the meeting

He also said – any such step which brings peace and stability in the country, creates employment opportunities, helps in reducing poverty…we support it. At present, 80 percent of the country’s population is living below the poverty line.

Let us inform that the NSA of Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan participated in the meeting chaired by India’s NSA Ajit Doval. During the meeting, all the countries have said that there will be no outside interference in Afghanistan. Suhail Shaheen has also agreed on this matter.

Ajit Doval said that the recent events in that country have had a significant impact not only on the Afghan people but also on the region. Doval said that it is time for closer consultation, greater cooperation and coordination among regional countries to deal with the challenges posed by Afghanistan.

“The aim of the talks is to strengthen a common vision for practical cooperation in combating the growing threats of terrorism, radicalization and drug trafficking following the Taliban’s control of Kabul,” he said. “I am sure that our discussions will be fruitful, fruitful and contribute to helping the people of Afghanistan and enhancing our collective security,” Doval said.