China’s hateful move against America

Beijing: China is infamous all over the world for its expansionist policies and it keeps on plotting something or the other against not only India but every country more powerful than itself. Now satellite pictures have revealed such a disclosure that may increase the concern of superpower America. These satellite images have revealed that China has prepared fake models of US Navy warships in its northwest desert.
By making models of American warships, the Chinese army is practicing to target them. It is believed that in the midst of increasing tension between the two countries, China is engaged in such maneuvers to deal with the situation of maritime war in the future. China has rapidly developed its military capability in recent years and China’s attitude is a matter of concern for the US as tensions rise in the South China Sea, the Indo-Pacific region with Taiwan.
Images acquired by Colorado-based Maxor Technologies on Sunday showed models of a US aircraft carrier and a warship (destroyer) being placed on a railway track. According to Maxor, this photo is of Ruqiang, which is located in the Taklamakan Desert County of Northwest Xinjiang region.
According to the website of the US Naval Institute, the model of the American warship is one of the new targets developed by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). China’s huge army is busy trying to occupy the sea area so that pressure can be put on other countries including America.