(Indian Navy)
(Indian Navy)

Indian Navy provided help(Indian Navy)

Red Sea: There are continuous attacks on ships in the sea. Meanwhile, the Indian Navy  (Indian Navy) said on Saturday that after the news of missile attack on MV Marlin Luanda in the Gulf of Aden, help has been provided by the Navy. It was a merchant ship on which 22 Indians and one Bangladeshi national were aboard. INS Visakhapatnam was asked for help from the merchant ship Marlin Launda.
The ship caught fire due to the missile attack. The Navy said in the statement that the Indian Navy is determined and committed to ensuring the safety of merchant ships and the safety of people at sea.
It is noteworthy that this missile attack has come amid growing concerns over Houthi rebels intensifying attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. Admiral R Hari Kumar has issued instructions to deal strictly with such maritime incidents.

America will declare terrorist Houthis as terrorist organization
America is preparing to declare Houthi as a global terrorist organization. Despite the attacks and warnings from America, Houthi attacks continue in the Red Sea. Therefore again it is being included in the list of terrorist organization. Houthi was removed from the list of SDGT in February 2021. US President Trump had listed Houthi in the last days of his tenure.

The Biden administration removed Houthi from this list in February 2021 so that necessary aid materials could be sent to the people of Yemen struggling with the humanitarian tragedy. But now due to the continuous attacks by Houthi in the Red Sea, it has been decided to again include it in the list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists.