(Trump ) 
(Trump ) 

Trump shines again in many places(Trump ) 

2024 Elections: It would not be wrong to call the year 2024 the year of elections. Elections are to be held from India to Pakistan to America and Russia. First let’s talk about America. Presidential elections are to be held in America next year. For this, the campaign of the leaders is going on. In the latest survey conducted in America, former President Donald Trump has taken lead over Biden and this lead is not at one place but Trump’s influence has re-emerged in many places. So, this time will Biden win in America? No. Trump (Trump )  government is coming?
2024 will be the year of elections
Whereas in Russia, President Vladimir Putin will participate in the presidential race as an independent candidate. What is Putin’s reason behind contesting the elections as an independent candidate instead of his party? Also, election date has been announced in Pakistan. But there is still suspense over former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan. Whether Imran will be able to contest the elections or not. Who will gain or lose if Imran contests or does not contest the elections?
Like India, presidential elections are to be held in America next year. But just before the elections, a shocking survey has come out from America, in which Donald Trump is seen to be leading over US President Joe Biden.
Trump seen ahead of Biden
In the survey, former President Trump seems to be ahead of President Joe Biden in many states. In these states, Trump remains the first choice of the people compared to Biden. The thing to note is that in the states where Trump is said to be in the lead. Trump had to face a crushing defeat in those places in the 2020 elections. According to the survey, Donald Trump has become the first choice of people in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

It is believed from these surveys that the people here are not very happy with Joe Biden. According to the survey, Trump is estimated to get 5 percent more votes than Biden in Georgia. In Georgia, Biden won by about 12 thousand votes in 2020. In Michigan, Trump is expected to get more than 10 percent votes. In the 2020 elections, Biden won Michigan by 1 lakh 55 thousand votes. In such a situation, this survey can create problems for Biden.
Angry with Biden’s policies
It is believed that people in America including Georgia and Michigan are very angry with Biden’s policies. According to the report, surveys conducted in swing states of America are indicating that President Biden seems to be lagging behind Trump. It is important to know what swing states are and how they can have a big impact on the US presidential elections. Some states of America are called swing states.

As the name suggests, swing means rotating. As the name itself suggests, states where the mood of voters is likely to change are called swing states. Swing states keep changing in every election. Like Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona can prove to be swing states in the upcoming elections. Swing states are also called battle ground or purple states.
Putin will contest elections as an independent
After superpower America, now let’s talk about Russia. President Vladimir Putin has been in power in Russia for more than two decades and is once again preparing to contest the presidential elections. Putin has used his full strength for this. According to the election law in Russia, Vladimir Putin cannot become President for the third consecutive time. There is a rule in Russia that no citizen can contest presidential elections three times on the ticket of any political party. But for this he has found another way.

This time Putin will not contest elections from any party. According to reports, Putin will now contest next year’s elections as an independent. That means Putin himself will not contest the elections on the ticket of his own party i.e. United Russia Party. Putin will once again contest the presidential election for the next 6-year term in March 2024 and it is expected that he will easily win. Putin’s supporters have formally nominated him as an independent candidate to run in the 2024 presidential election.
Signatures of 3 lakh people required
According to Russian election law, candidates not contesting elections on a party ticket must have nomination from a group of at least 500 supporters. It is also necessary for independent candidates to collect signatures of at least 3 lakh people in their support. Putin’s nominees include top officials of his own party, the United Russia Party, several Russian actors and singers, as well as athletes and other celebrities.

That means Putin has fulfilled the necessary conditions for an independent candidate. Only after this his candidature has been announced. Vladimir Putin has been the President of Russia since 2012. In Russia, the term of the President is for 6 years. Putin became president in 2012. After this, he was again elected President in 2018 with 76 percent votes. Now his tenure is ending in 2024. Before this, he had also been the Prime Minister of Russia twice. In Russia, no person can become President three times in a row. That’s why Putin wants to contest the presidential elections as an independent candidate for the third time.
election fight in pakistan
After Russia, let us now talk about the neighboring country Pakistan. Condition