( army)
( army)

Tehreek-e-Jihad became the time for the army( army)

New Delhi: 25 Pakistani Army ( army) soldiers were killed in three separate incidents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Tuesday, the army’s highest single-day death toll in terrorist attacks so far this year. Tehreek-e-Jihad Pakistan, a new group affiliated with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

According to TOI report, TJP was formed only in February this year but it has already carried out about a dozen deadly terrorist attacks. What makes this group particularly dangerous is that it has focused only on attacking military targets. It has even condemned any terrorist attack that ultimately results in civilian casualties.

While TTP attacks have often resulted in many civilian casualties, the TJP has reportedly targeted and killed only military personnel. TJP has said that its aim is to establish Islamic system in Pakistan through armed jihad. TJP has claimed responsibility for several attacks on security forces and establishments in Pakistan and has killed more than 50 soldiers. The incidents include an attack on a Pakistani Frontier Corps military camp in Balochistan, an attack on an under-construction college in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and another attack in KPK’s Kabal town.

Bolan suicide bombing: In March, a suicide bomber on a motorcycle targeted a security vehicle in Quetta, Balochistan, resulting in the death of nine security personnel and injuries to 13 others.
2023 Muslim Bagh attack: In May, TJP attacked a military compound in Muslim Bagh district of Balochistan, killing six militants and seven soldiers.
On 12 July, an attack took place on Zhob Garrison in Balochistan, where nine Pakistani Army soldiers and five militants lost their lives in the ensuing clashes with security forces, with the TJP claiming responsibility for the initial attack.
In a high-profile incident, the TJP claimed responsibility for an attack on the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) training air base Mianwali in early November. Three staged, non-operational aircraft were damaged in the attack by nine heavily armed militants. The PAF successfully killed all nine terrorists, preventing further damage to the airbase.

TJP’s activities along with other terrorist groups have contributed to the increasing number of attacks on Pakistani security forces. Security personnel losses in the first nine months of 2023 reached an eight-year high, with significant losses of both army and police personnel. More than 190 terrorist attacks took place in Pakistan in the third quarter of 2023 and at least 445 Pakistani armed forces were killed by groups such as the Pakistani Taliban and Tehreek-e-Jihad.