( particle)
( particle)

Scientists discover new ‘Sun Goddess’ particle( particle)

“God Particle”: Higgs Boson aka “God Particle” and “Oh My God!” Particle detection Scientists have detected powerful particles ( particle) in the last few years. Researchers have discovered a particle called ‘Sun Goddess’, which is the most powerful atom in human history, producing one million times more energy than previously discovered. Higgs Boson aka “God Particle” was discovered at CERN in the year 2012 while “Oh My God!” The particle was discovered in the year 1991. It emitted unimaginably energetic cosmic rays.

Scientists have named this new particle ‘Amaterasu particle’ after the ‘Goddess of the Sun’ in Japanese mythology. Scientists found this new particle in the Cosmic Ray Observatory Telescope Array located in the western desert of the American state of Utah. These particles come from distant regions of space through cosmic rays. Cosmic rays and their origin remain unclear, but scientists believe that most galactic phenomena such as black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and neutron star collapses originate from energy or mysterious rays.

The telescope array discovered ‘Sun Goddess’ on May 27, 2021, when it hit the atmosphere above Utah. One of the ping-pong table-sized 507 detectors collected data on 23 Amaterasu particles at energies of about 244 exa-electron volts (1 exa-electron = 1 billion gigaelectron-volts). The “Oh My God particle” discovered more than 30 years ago was 320 exa-electron volts. NASA said that an electron in the polar aurora has an energy of about 40,000 electron volts.

Regarding ‘Sun Goddess’ or ‘Sun Goddess’, scientists believe that it is an important messenger of some highly energetic event from the universe about which our understanding has not yet developed, however, this mysterious particle. Efforts are being made to know the origin.