China gifted pregnant Ahilaos

Beijing. China is considering removing its one child policy. China wants the women of the country to give birth to more and more children, for this the government is considering to increase the period of maternity leave from 6 months to one year. According to reports, China wants its population to be equal to other developed countries of Europe, so it can increase the period of maternity leave from 6 months to 1 year. Officials in China’s northwest province are asking locals whether the government should allow an additional six months of maternity leave. Till now employees in China are given six months of maternity leave. However, now the officials are demanding to increase this period to one year.

Apart from this, the government is also considering to extend the paternity leave to 30 days for the parents planning for the third child. This decision of China is shocking not only for the general public of the country but also for the world. There was a time when China has been accused of forced abortion of women. Earlier, the Chinese government had issued an order that couples would be allowed to have only one child in the country.

It was believed then that China was afraid that its population would increase and the population would not explode in the country, so the government had implemented the policy of one child. China has been implementing this rule for a long time. However, in May 2021, the Chinese government announced that married couples could now give birth to up to three children.