There are many such places in the world where humans do not live, due to which even today people do not know much about these places. These places are untouched and when people come to know about them, they also get surprised. Today we are going to tell you about one such small town in America where not even 100 people live, but the average household income, that is, the income of each household is in crores!( millionaire!)
It is from the same city of America which we are discussing. This YouTuber named Jon Wise went to America’s most isolated county, Loving County, in January, whose city Mentone is very unique in itself. Let us tell you that in America, a county is called an area which is a group of some cities. It is smaller than a state and bigger than a city. John went to Mentone, a small town in Loving County, located in the west of the state of Texas, where he made the video.
Population is 58 people
The city of Mentone was developed in 1931. In 1967, the population of this city was about 42. There was no water facility here at that time. Apart from this, there was no bank, no doctor, hospital, newspaper, lawyer, club or cemetery. Now the facility of water has been made here, but this city is still untouched by other facilities.
Last year i.e. in 2022, the first café, Stop Café, was opened here. You will be surprised to know that only 58 people live in this city. According to the World Population Review, the population is 58 but YouTuber has given the population as 64 in the video. Many buildings have become ruins while some which are in good condition are also lying vacant.
Average household income is highest
There are no humans in this city, but as soon as you start coming closer to it, you will see big oil factories, machines and oil industry everywhere. According to Daily Mail, this city may be so sparsely populated, but its per capita income is the highest in the country. This has happened only because of the oil industry. In the year 2021, the average household income of the entire Loving County was up to Rs 95 lakh. Due to the industry present in this county, especially in the city of Mentone, the income of the people is very high. According to this, the people here are almost millionaires.