. ( severe heat)
. ( severe heat)

Crores of people will be victims of starvation due to severe heat. ( severe heat)

Rising temperature: Most of the countries of the world are currently facing the crisis of rising temperature. ( severe heat)  If the global temperature continues to rise in this way, then in no time the crisis of starvation will arise in front of crores of people of the world. The results of a recent study have shown that there is a direct relation between rising temperature and food security. This study, conducted in the midst of record-breaking heat in many countries, has shown that if the heat increases further, within a few days, a large number of daily wage workers will face the problem of livelihood.

The study report says that due to the problem of livelihood, millions of women, men and children will face a crisis of food at one time. In such a situation, these crores of people can get trapped in the deep quagmire of starvation. According to a research report published in Nature Human Behavior magazine, if the temperature in India remains at its peak continuously for just one week, then about 8 million additional people may have to face serious problems of food and drink. If preparations are not made to deal with it, then a big problem can arise in front of India.
If the fear of not getting food increased by one percent, then…
150 countries of the world were included in the study. In the research, special attention was given to the countries present in tropical and sub-tropical areas that if the heat increases, how serious will be the effect on the population living there? The results of the study say that if there is less than a one percent increase in the probability of not getting food at the time of peak summer, millions of men, women and children will go hungry without food in the 150 countries included in the research. may have to face. The World Bank estimates that in 2022, about 30 percent of the world’s population had to face moderate to severe food insecurity.

Research has shown that if the heat increases, millions of men, women and children in 150 countries may have to face hunger.
How will the effect of rising heat be seen immediately?
Until now, the impact of heat on food security was limited to reduced crop yields. Its effect was visible after several months or a few years. According to the new study, if the effect of heat is linked to reduced or eliminated income, then the effect will be visible immediately. According to the main author of the research and Caroline Kroger of Oxford University, if there is too much heat today, there will be a crisis of food and drink due to people not being able to work in a few days. Actually, the daily wage earners will not have any income due to the rising heat. Due to this, they will not be able to buy food and drink for themselves and their families and they will have to face hunger.

Who will be the first to see more effect
The crisis of hunger will be most rapidly visible on those whose income is linked to productivity. This includes sowing crops in the fields, harvesting, transporting goods, rickshaw pullers, cart vendors, street vendors, daily wage workers in factories, daily wage workers in the construction sector. Such people earn according to their daily work. With this daily income, they maintain their family. If they will not be able to work or do less work due to rising heat, then their income will be directly affected. Now suppose a person working in a factory makes 100 pieces of a product in a day and due to rising heat, he makes only 50 pieces, then his income will also be half.

Bad effect of heat will also be seen on health
According to the research report published in Nature Human Behavior magazine, Kroger, the author of the study, says that its effect is most visible in countries with low income, more agriculture-based employment and more sensitive employment. They found that the health of the people who had to face the scorching heat for a week in the recent past has also been affected. In such a situation, he and his family may have to face more difficulties in living life due to decreasing income. Due to this their income falls drastically. The report says that the more warm days there are in a week, the more the effect will be. In the year 2021, 470 billion labor hours were lost due to severe heat, which is equal to about one and a half weeks of work per person worldwide.
Bad condition due to ban on India’s rice export
The results of the study have come at a time when the prices of food items across the world are in the grip of persistent inflation. At the same time, India, the world’s largest rice exporter, has banned exports after damage to crops due to unseasonal rains. Researchers say that supply and price are not the only problems. The researchers found that rising temperatures could also lead to the loss of essential nutrients in many staple crops and pulses. Kroger says that the past year or two has seen record-breaking heat. In such a situation, there is every possibility of worsening the situation. The UN’s IPCC Climate Science Advisory Committee says that by 2080, hundreds of millions of people will be affected by at least 30 deadly hot days every year.