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Now wants to earn money ( earn money )from that

Taliban: In the year 2001, the world famous Buddhas of Bamiyan were blown up with dynamite by the Taliban. Taliban is planning to earn money ( earn money ) by renovating this Buddha statue in the 6th century. This has been disclosed by Italian sociologist and writer Massimo Introvigne in an article by Bitter Winter.

In 2001, the Taliban blew up two Buddha statues built in the sixth century in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, using dynamite. The height of both the Buddha statues was between 125 to 180 feet. Both these statues were destroyed in March 2001 at the behest of Taliban founder Mullah Omar.

These sculptures represent the classic Buddhist-Gupta mixed style of ancient art in Afghanistan. Its larger idol was named “Salsal” (“The light shines in the universe”) while the smaller one was named “Shah Mama” (“Queen Mother”).
Italian writer Massimo Introvigne told Bitter Winter that he was invited by the current Taliban government in Afghanistan. But he refused to leave. He says that I do not want him to get money from the places which were destroyed by the Taliban.
Massimo Introvigne that the Taliban want to make money by attracting tourists to the site of the Buddha statues in Bamiyan. But I do not want the Taliban to get money. Ever since the Taliban came to power, it has been struggling with an economic crisis. People in Afghanistan are also struggling with food crisis.

It is known that in the year 2015, the Chinese couple Johnson Yu and Lian Hu revived the empty space there with 3D light projection technology.

Taliban is bringing new offers to tourists. Now he said that tourists can also meditate by going to those places. Although tourists will have to pay for this, things will not be free. Massimo Introvigne told everything to Bitter Winter.