Spies turn to Islamic State to save lives from Taliban

Kabul. After the Taliban occupation of Afghanistan in August last, the system of the whole country has been shaken. There are continuous international media reports that the country is going through a great economic and human tragedy. But in the midst of all this, Taliban fighters have not failed to target the people of the previous Afghan government. In this sequence, people who were spies of the Afghan government and American soldiers are also on the target of Taliban. According to a media report, some spies did not see any way to save their lives from the Taliban, so they have gone to ISIS.
Some spies trained by the US military have joined IS Khorasan. Actually Taliban fighters were looking for these spies everywhere. However, according to the report, the number of spies joining Iyas Khorasan is very less. But despite being in small numbers, these spies can prove to be a big challenge for the Taliban regime.
In fact, these spies, trained by the US military, not only have combat experience, but they also have the ability to exchange confidential information and have technical skills. According to Rahmatullah Nabil, the former head of Afghanistan’s intelligence agency, Afghan spies who are left alone are seeing attraction in IS at this time. In fact, after the arrival of the Taliban government, IS Khorasan has increased the troubles of the Taliban by doing several blasts one after the other.

Nabil also says that if the resistance continued under the leadership of Amrullah Saleh and Ahmed Masood, then these spies would definitely have turned there. But now they have no way left. Wall Street reports also say that after the Taliban regime came to power, thousands of policemen and soldiers of the former Afghan government have become unemployed. But a small number of policemen and soldiers have accepted to work with the new Nizam.
If these spies, who reached the shelter of Iyas Khorasan, start training Islamic terrorists, then it can become a new headache for the Taliban. The Taliban is currently engaged in efforts for recognition from around the world. There is pressure on him to stop the violence in Afghanistan. On the other hand, IS Khorasan has a large number of people who are suicide bombers. The only way out for the Taliban is to take violent action against them.