( head)
( head)

the doctors reattached the head( head)

We all have grown up listening to the stories of Lord Ganesha, how Lord Shankar reattached his head after cutting it off. It was a matter of Puranas. No one has seen it directly. But now Israeli doctors have done something similar. A child who was hit by a car while riding a bike. The accident was so terrible that his head ( head) got separated from the torso. Was attached only to the skin. The doctors reconnected him after a lot of effort.

12-year-old Suleiman Hasan, a resident of Palestine, was going by bike when the car hit him hard. Due to this, the base of his skull and the upper part of the spinal cord were separated. It was a matter of honor that the skin was attached. It occurs when a sudden blow to the head tears the ligaments and muscles that hold the skull to the top vertebra of the spine. This type of injury is very rare. In all the cases of spinal cord injury that have come in the world, less than one percent of such cases are seen.

Doctors did not disclose for a month
Suleiman was immediately taken to the trauma unit in Jerusalem and underwent surgery immediately. The doctors succeeded in connecting it after a long operation. The injury got cured in June itself but the doctors did not disclose it for a month as they wanted to see the full result. Please tell that in such cases, 70 percent of the patients die immediately. Dr. Ohad Einav, one of the surgeons who operated on the patient, told The Times of Israel, “We fought for the boy’s life and finally prevailed.” He told that surgery is possible only when the blood vessels are intact, because blood flow to the brain should be maintained. It was the same with this child. All his nerves were saved.

the operation took several hours
Fortunately, Dr. Inav had recently returned from a fellowship in Toronto, where he had performed surgery on adults. The process itself is very complex and took several hours, he said. While in the operating room, we fixed and fixed new plates on the damaged area. Threw all the knowledge we had. Suleman has been discharged with a cervical splint, but doctors are monitoring his recovery. You will be surprised to know that he has not got any neurological problem. He can walk without any help. Suleman’s father said, I will be grateful to all the doctors throughout my life for saving my beloved only son.