( MBA)
( MBA)

This boy did BBA and MBA( MBA)

Success Story: Nowadays tea business is also in trend. Every day some or the other successful tea business is discussed. But very few people have the ability to start a business from zero and spread it all over India. It requires a lot of dedication and discipline towards work. Today you are going to meet such a person. Who left a good job and started a tea stall in front of the college and now there are chains of his stalls across the country. This earns them crores of rupees every year.

The name of this boy who has built a business worth crores from a tea stall is Arpit Raj. Arpit is a resident of Bihar. He did BBA and MBA ( MBA) in Marketing. After that got a good paying job. But he had to do some business of his own.

First shop opened in front of my own college
In 2015, Arpit Raj was pursuing BBA from a college in Shillong. The year was 2015. He used to roam the streets of Shillong late at night with his friends in search of food and drink. But it was hardly possible to get permission to move out of the hostel at night. Due to this, one day he got an idea that why not open a tea shop in front of the college. With the help of his friends, he started a tea stall outside the college.
tiffin service started from hostel room
When the tea stall started functioning, he along with his friends started tiffin delivery service from the hostel room itself. It was especially meant for late night food lovers. Soon the boys shifted to a flat and hired a Bengali woman as a cook to fulfill the orders. Now he used to go by scooter to deliver food items. Used to promise to deliver orders within 30 minutes
The tea shop had to be closed in 2018
Arpit’s graduation was completed in the year 2018. Also, a local group forced the closure of the tea shop. Due to the rules of the Northeast, local people had to be made partners to run the business. In this way he had to wrap up his work. With this, Arpit returned to Delhi and joined a startup. Here he worked for a year and a half but his heart was set on his college venture only. He talked to two of his friends. Out of which one was a software engineer and the other was a CA. Convinced both that the idea of a tea shop can be converted into a good business.
Re-started college venture
The trio started their college venture again in Delhi. Today Chai Seth has 27 outlets across the country. 25 types of tea are available at these outlets. These include cinnamon tea, butterscotch tea, black pepper tea.