June 29, 2023 – The trailer of Sanjay Puran Singh’s film 72 Hooren has been released on Wednesday. Let us tell you that the censor board did not clear the trailer of the film, yet the makers have released its trailer. The film’s co-producer Ashok Pandit says that the leg of a dead body is shown in the trailer. This is why the censor board has objections. The censor board had asked to remove this scene. Although this scene has not been removed from the trailer.
This film shows the cruel reality of terrorism. It shows how terrorists first brainwash people and then force them to kill others. In the film, Pawan Malhotra will be seen in the role of Hakim Ali and Aamir will be seen in the role of Bashir Bilal Ahmed. The trailer of the film has been released only on the digital platform. It will not be shown in the theatre. The film is going to release on July 7.
Apart from Hindi, this film will also be released in English, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu. On not passing the trailer of the film, Ashok Pandit told PTI – Makers of 72 Hooren Shocked that the censor board has refused to give certificate to the trailer of our film.
On one hand you have given the film a National Award and on the other hand you are not giving a certificate to the trailer of this film. We think there is a problem with CBFC. We request CBFC Chairman Prasoon Joshi to fire those who have taken such a ridiculous decision.