(horoscope )
(horoscope )

today’s horoscope(horoscope ) 1 july 2023

today’s horoscope (horoscope ) 1 july 2023
Do not forget to take blessings of parents. You will have to struggle in business. You can get some unpleasant information from relatives. Do not give advice to anyone without asking. You should avoid the tendency of taking loans. Take care of the company of children.
Do not insult your spouse. Students can get good success in studies. Chances are being made to buy a new property. Will be heavy on the enemies. You will have to do many things at once. Control your eating habits. Obstacles coming in love marriage will be removed.
There will be restlessness in the mind. Can go for shopping with family members. People associated with teaching work can get respect. You can plan to increase your business. students will be serious about studies
There will be an atmosphere of tension in the office. There can be an argument with a relative. There may be complaints of burning sensation and pain in the stomach. Employed people will have problems with officers. You should focus on solutions instead of problems.
Will have to face the shortage of money. Avoid bad company otherwise your image can be affected badly. There will be some problem in liver related diseases. Will enjoy the new work. There can be a situation of mental distress. Difficult times may arise.
Love and harmony will increase in the mutual relations of the couples. Will give more importance to social work than personal work. Your wish can be fulfilled today. You can be invited for an important meeting. You can spend money in charitable works.
Can attend family function with friends today. Problems can increase regarding something. There will be an atmosphere of enthusiasm in the house. There is a possibility of the child getting a better option in the career. You should avoid illegal activities.
You will dominate your colleagues in the office. Can make big contracts in business. You will get monetary benefits from marketing related activities. Can go to dinner with someone close. You will get good news.
There can be some tension in married life. Avoid going to polluted places. Negligence in business can be overwhelming. Headache can be a problem. People associated with banking will have some trouble. Try to overcome your weakness.
Will be happy with the achievements of the children. Money can be benefited. Can be involved in political discussion. You are likely to receive gifts from lovemates. The obstacles coming in marriage etc. will be removed. You will get benefit from the advice of friends.
Will be interested in politics. You should not be negligent in business. New public relations will give you special benefits. You will be praised. Women can get good career options. People associated with research work will perform very well.
There are chances of progress in manufacturing works. There is a good possibility of progress in work. Can change employment. Love will increase in family relations. You can get a higher position in the job. There are chances of getting success in job interview etc.
Pt Subhash Pandey