( Jesus')
( Jesus')( Jesus')

.wanted to meet Jesus'( Jesus’)?

Malindi (Kenya). You will remember the Burari incident of Delhi, in which 11 people of the same family committed suicide. In the investigation of the police, some kind of religious ritual was revealed behind this suicide, due to which everyone’s life was lost by mistake. A webseries was also made on Netflix named ‘House of Secrets the Burari Deaths’ on this incident that happened in the month of July 2018, in which it is finally revealed how 11 members of the family lost their lives due to meeting God ( Jesus’) and superstition. Was sitting washed. Now one such incident has come to the fore from Kenya. Victor Caudo, a rights activist in Malind, told the New York Times after visiting the Shakhola forest here (which has now become a site of mass murder) that he wanted to save people from hunger, but Had a desire to die and meet Jesus. In Kenya, a Christian preacher has been accused of killing hundreds of people by keeping them hungry. The death toll in an investigation into a Kenyan cult has risen to 201, with investigators finding 22 more bodies buried in a coastal forest. Police believe most of the bodies found in the forest belong to Malindi, a town near the Indian Ocean, which was a follower of taxi driver-turned-preacher Paul Ntheng Menkenzie. The preacher is accused of inciting people to starve so that they can meet Jesus. Releasing the latest death toll, Coastal Commissioner Roda Onyancha said that 26 people had been arrested in the case, including Makenji, who used to ensure that no one broke the fast.

According to government pathologist Jonsar Oduar, after examining the dead bodies, it is clear that the main cause of death is starvation. Now hundreds of people who feel that their relatives have been buried at the same place from where the rest of the bodies have been found, have started searching for their loved ones. But why did this heinous act happen and how did one man convince so many people to die? News 18 has tried to get to the bottom of this matter.

forest of death
Those killed were followers of Paul Enthang Mekenzie, who was a televangelist (an evangelical preacher who appears on TV daily and spreads his views among people and solicits for funds), before that Paul was a cab driver Used to do, who announced as a preacher that the world was going to end. And to avoid this he preached to take shelter of evangelical Christian. The 800-acre farm that led to Heaven is now a gruesome crime scene, littered with shallow graves, be it followers who starved themselves to death or those who were impaled by Makinje to crucify them so that they could meet Jesus. So to receive.

The Shakhola massacre has been termed by the Kenyan media as the worst incident ever, after which the current government is in complete disarray because in a country which claims itself to be one of the most modern and stable countries in Africa, there is no government Such a terrible incident has happened right under our nose. The special thing is that many people chose to starve to death over the very basic necessity of life which raises a sensitive concern.

Victor Caudo, a rights activist who traveled to Malindi in March, was cursed as an enemy of Jesus when he tried to help these people. In the video made by him, it was told how when he went to give food to a starving woman, his head was shaved on the orders of the cult. However, McKinsey told investigators that he never asked any followers to starve, only that he gave information about the last chapter of the New Testament prophesied about the agony of the end times. Mackinje was arrested in April and was soon released but was re-arrested within a few days. He has been booked for murder, terrorism and other criminal cases.

Taxi driver Mekinje started a TV channel in a stone courtyard next to a Catholic primary school in Malindi, where he began to stretch his legs. Ruth Kahindi, who owned the land, after meeting Mekinje at a nearby Baptist church, invited her to preach at the house. They formed their own church called Good News International and used Kahindi’s house as their headquarters.

Daughter Naomi told Kahindi that, earlier it was a normal church. Naomi considers McKinsey to be a wonderful speaker who fundamentally spoke of evangelical principles of salvation through the Bible and Christ. According to Ruth Kahindi’s daughter, Ruth separated from Mekinje in 2008. On the other hand, Titus Katana, a peanut seller who joined the Good News Church in 2015 and later became its deputy pastor, told that he used to believe Mekinje a lot, but later his sermons started turning into fake prophecies, mainly about the world. Used to be about the end.

Later on, his main interest was not in preaching to the world but in earning money. Recalling Mekinje, Titus tells his followers not to trust doctors and not send children to school until 2017.