( personnel) 
( personnel) 

Fear of acute shortage of skilled personnel( personnel) 

Kyiv, May 10 (HS). Ukraine’s nuclear power company Energiatom claimed on Wednesday that Russia’s plan to fire 2,700 Ukrainian workers from Europe’s largest nuclear plant would create a severe shortage of skilled personnel        ( personnel)  at the Zaporizhia nuclear plant. The Zaporizhia plant is located in southern Ukraine, currently occupied by Russia.

Energiatom said in a Telegram post that workers who had signed employment contracts with Russia’s nuclear agency Rosatom following the Russian occupation of the Zaporizhia plant at the start of the war would be taken to Russia, along with their families.

The company did not specify whether the workers would be forcibly taken out of the plant. It is not yet possible to confirm this claim of the company. It said that the plant is already facing severe shortage of personnel and the removal of these personnel will make the situation worse.

Zaporizhia is one of the world’s 10 largest nuclear plants and six of its reactors have been shut down for several months. Even after this, electricity and skilled workers are needed to operate the cooling system and other safety equipment in the plant.