first time in the history of Scotland that a Muslim leader

Birmingham/Glasgow: This will be the first time in the history of Scotland that a Muslim leader has been sworn in as the country’s first minister. On the other hand, it has happened for the first time in Britain too when the PM Rishi Sunak is a Hindu. Pakistan-origin Yusuf spoke of Scotland’s independence immediately after his oath today. The leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) said that our main objective is to liberate the country from Britain. In his victory speech, Yusuf said- We should all be proud that today we have sent a clear message, that the color of your skin, your faith is not a hindrance in leading the country we call home .

Will religion come in the way of taking a decision?
Yusuf has said that he is a devout Muslim, he has also made it clear that he does not believe that legislators should think about their faith when making their decisions. He said, we organized a program in the Scottish Parliament on Muslims and the political process in Scotland when Yusuf became MSP for the first time. He revealed that his faith became part of his motivation to enter politics. He told that a question of his friends forced him to enter politics. His friends, looking at pictures of the Twin Towers, asked why Muslims hate ‘America’? Then he realized that politics matters a lot.

Raised voice on Scottish independence
Hamza said in his victorious speech that those who are in Scotland and who have not yet given up the passion for independence, I assure them that we will take independence from Britain. We will ensure proper governance by giving priority to the needs of our people. He also said that we will be the generation that will bring freedom to this nation.

gay marriage support
However, during the SNP leadership contest a few years ago, Hamza signed off on same-sex marriage. This was linked by many to his faith and association with the Glasgow Pakistani community. But during a recent campaign, he clearly stated that he supports ‘same-sex’ marriage. He had earlier also given the reason for his absence on this issue.
Will there be success in the referendum now?
Actually, nationalists have always demanded the independence of Scotland. But Hamza, himself a leader of Pakistani origin, finds his pitch for Scottish independence interesting. He believes that the independence of Scotland can be achieved only when his party will be able to advance ‘progressive values’. At the same time, Hamza dissociated himself from the independence referendum of Nicola Sturgeon (who was the first minister), saying that he would create a ‘sustainable majority’ in favor of independence, so that it would not have to face like 2014 again.