(1600 feet )
(1600 feet )

1600 feet (1600 feet )giant asteroid is growing rapidly

Asteroids: Every day many asteroids pass very close to the Earth. But only a small part of them poses a threat to humanity. But the potential for risk increases significantly. Recently, NASA has issued a warning about two such dangerous asteroids. In the coming week, these asteroids are going to pass very close to the Earth. The first asteroid known as 1994XD, which is about 1500 feet (1600 feet ) in size, is going to pass very close to the Earth on June 12 at a speed of 77301 kilometers per hour.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (PL) has gathered information about both the asteroids. Another asteroid named 2020 DB whose size is about 1600 feet. It is going to pass very close to the Earth on June 15 at a speed of 34279 kmph. Is this a sign of danger for us i.e. for the earth… NASA disclosed.

What did NASA tell?

Two things are very important for both these steroids. Firstly their size and secondly their distance from the earth. According to information received from NASA’s website, the first asteroid 1994XD will pass at a distance of 1.97 million miles from the Earth and 2020DB will pass at a distance of 2.68 million miles. According to a study by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (PL), celestial objects that are closer than 4.6 million miles to Earth and whose size is more than 150 meters are denoted as ‘potentially dangerous objects’.

The NEO Studies Center at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory keeps complete details of the close-to-Earth celestial body encounters. They measure the potential threat based on the size of the asteroids and their distance to Earth. On this basis, the celestial bodies are monitored.
As a result, these asteroids are identified as “potentially hazardous objects”. Although, these asteroids coming now are far away from the earth, but due to the gravity of another planet, they can deviate from their path and collide with the earth. Which can have unimaginable disastrous consequences.